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SentinelOne: Malware Detection & Blocking

sentinelone malware

Traditional anti-virus software is no longer a comprehensive solution for businesses. Malware now outpaces many anti-virus programs. The Dark Web and malicious actors can now spin up and sell complex attack kits, making them exceedingly common yet hard to catalog.

Leading firms now recognize Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) platforms as a key component of their security operations. They offer greater protection and can act against malicious activity in real-time.

SentinelOne’s Singularity Platform delivers cutting-edge endpoint detection, response, and remediation features. The cloud-native app fits seamlessly within a cloud-based security infrastructure.



SentinelOne’s ActiveEDR feature can track and contextualize all activity on a device. Most importantly, it reduces dwell time, the delay between infection and detection.

ActiveEDR does not rely on cloud connectivity to make a detection. The SentinelOne agent uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to decide and draws on stories of what is happening on the endpoint. When it detects malicious activity, the platform can take direct action in real-time.



If an employee opens a tab and downloads a malicious file that could delete local backups and encrypt data on their disk (such as ransomware), ActiveEDR has detected the full “storyline”. SentinelOne will then mitigate all steps of this infection by detecting the download at run time, before encryption begins. It will then mitigate the rest of the damage all the way to the open tab in the browser.

This works by giving each element of the “story” the same TrueContextID.

SentinelOne provides rich contextualization to malicious activity, aiding in the investigative work for analysts and reducing alert fatigue.


Combatting Fileless Malware Attacks

SentinelOne defends against fileless malware, a growing concern for organizations.

Fileless malware is a specific type of malware that utilizes legitimate programs to infect an endpoint. IT does not require files and leaves little footprint, making it particularly challenging to detect and remove.

SentinelOne’s H1 2018 Enterprise Risk Index Report showed fileless-based attacks rose by 94% between January and June.

It is not sufficient for teams to only block essential operations like PowerShell. Teams need products that can prevent attacks using exploits, macro documents, exploit kits, PowerShell, PowerSploit, and zero-day vulnerabilities locally—all without impacting their organization’s daily operations.

SentinelOne stops fileless malware by using “Active Content”, which points to a root cause of a given malicious flow, with or without a file, and allows a security team to handle the incident with precision.



An employee downloads a malicious attachment through their Outlook email client, which then tries to encrypt files on the disk. In this situation assigning blame to Outlook and quarantining the program would overlook the source of the attack. Instead, Outlook should be included as the source for forensic data, but not mitigated against. But a security team will, however, wish to mitigate the entire threat group, regardless of any additional files dropped, registry keys created, or any other harmful behavior.


The Datashield Advantage

Utilizing SentinelOne’s ability to use active content and mitigate fileless malware make it a powerful tool for security teams. Datashield has helped our clients create leading cloud-native security architecture, perform advanced tool tuning, and deploy custom runbooks.

Powerful tools only work as well as the people wielding them. Datashield has a direct partnership with SentinelOne, unparalleled deployment process, and integration with our leading orchestration and automation tool SHIELDVision.

If your organization is considering implementing SentinelOne, make sure you partner with the best in managed security service providers. Datashield has been a part of the industry for over a decade and is still on the forefront of cybersecurity solutions.

Contact us today

Topics from this Article

Endpoint Detection and Response, EDR, SentinelOne, Malware

Cassidy Trowbridge
Cassidy Trowbridge
Cassidy is a marketing specialist at Datashield. She manages Datashield's content and social marketing strategies.

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