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How Proofpoint Enables Business Continuity

proofpoint business continuity

Email is the lifeline that connects remote workers to their organizations, especially a growing number of teams work from home or collaborate across the globe.

But increasing an organization’s digital presence brings with it a growing number of digital threats. Crashes in cloud-based email platforms can slash productivity and create complications. Meanwhile, sophisticated cyber-attacks can compromise not just the security of employees, but also their data and the applications they use to do their jobs.

Proofpoint Enterprise Continuity offers businesses a solution to those threats, by providing clients always-on insurance policy for crucial business communications.


What is Proofpoint Enterprise Continuity?

Increased reliance on email has created a heavy dependency on cloud-based email services. But because those services are subject to costly outages, hiccups in those interfaces can create a negative ripple effect in workflow.

Outages give cybersecurity teams more to worry about, forced to set aside their security goals and vulnerability management duties to tackle a needlessly complicated and avoidable tech emergency.

But Proofpoint offers an extra level of security to deliver those crucial correspondence securely and without delay.

Proofpoint Enterprise Protection is an email continuity service. Continuity ensures email is always available to your organization around the clock. Simple as that. It automatically runs without depending on your internal infrastructure or staff—even if your primary email server is down.

Messages are compressed and encrypted to add further protection and passed on to Proofpoint Enterprise Continuity service. That service seamlessly carries on the message to the recipient, cutting out any possibility for external outages or emergencies.

With Proofpoint, teams can keep their business moving without concern for unpredictable factors. Their service reduces strain on security teams, already focusing on increased security risks.


How is Proofpoint’s Continuity Service Different?

Cloud-based email services, whether multi- or single-tenant, are rapidly becoming the new normal as organizations increase their remote workforce. While most services offer multi-nine Service Level Agreements, outages still pose a huge problem to enterprises who need to work without hiccups in workflow.

Email continuity services are designed to guarantee high availability with on-premise email deployments. Unfortunately, traditional services are often expensive and ineffective, still leaving organizations plagued with the very same outages they pay high costs to avoid.

But Proofpoint offers a service that resolves those problems by presenting users with lower costs and easier access. Proofpoint Enterprise Continuity provides round-the-clock connection between workers and their organizations, without the need for annoying IT calls or complicated on-premise software requirements.

It cuts complexities out so your organization can focus on what’s really important.

Proofpoint offers:

  • Flexibility: You can access email anytime and anywhere employees need it. Proofpoint provides businesses with emergency inbox access with just a quick click. Users will have instant and extensive access to emails for 30 days, regardless of the outages other organizations might face.
  • Simplicity: Proofpoint allows its users to continue their day-to-day correspondence on familiar interfaces like Outlook or other web portals, so there is no learning curve or bulky software requirements.
  • Automatic solutions: Proofpoint offers automatic fail-over and recovery in cases of outages. It’s a “hands-off solution” that doesn’t require activation during an outage and ensures full automated recovery. As primary mail services are restored, the organization can have peace of mind that they are covered in the interim. Once services are restored, Enterprise Continuity automatically routes messages to their destination, whether that be Inbox or Sent Items folders.
  • No strings attached: Proofpoint clients don’t need to worry about pesky IT calls, on-premise hardware, plug-ins or other burdensome processes to manage. It works automatically, with minimal setup and continuous support.


A more secure way to do business

As your organization grows its remote workforce, user security is the foundation of successful digital work. That doesn’t just mean the security of the individual, but also the data applications they use.

For Proofpoint, continuity doesn’t just mean fast and always-on email delivery, it also means making sure enterprises are able to work with a sense of security.

Here are some key services Proofpoint ensures seamless connectivity among your workforce:

  • Access: As digital work becomes growingly cloud-dependent and organizations rely increasingly on mobile technologies, a traditional VPN is not sufficient when it comes to alternatives for access. Instead, Proofpoint Meta harnesses a software defined perimeter to provide the most secure service possible. Your organization will have secure remote access to any resources you may need in the cloud and data center.
  • Prevention: Cyber security isn’t just about responding to targeted attacks, it’s about stopping those attacks from happening in the first place. Proofpoint Browser Isolation makes prevention a priority. Digital threats often attack users while they do personal browsing on company devices. Proofpoint uses intelligence from Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) Isolation to provides simple web isolation. The straightforward service boosts protection by providing complete browser security and lowering attack surface.
  • Security: If prevention measures aren’t enough, Proofpoint offers Cloud Account Defense (CAD) to protect your teams from account takeover on platforms like Office 365 and Google G Suite. Their CAD service allows users to detect and investigate intrusions, defending against attacks.
  • Training: Want to boost cybersecurity training and knowledge across the organization? Proofpoint offers Security Awareness Training which allows workers to prepare themselves as cyber criminals become more complex in their attack tactics.
  • Phishing Simulations: Discover and educate users on your network with ThreatSim® Phishing Simulations, which analyze awareness to phishing threats and individuals’ susceptibility to such attacks. After training, CyberStrength® Knowledge Assessments test user’s newfound security knowledge that they can then use to protect themselves in their day-to-day work.


What this means for your business

Proofpoint Enterprise Continuity is an easy-to-use and flexible service, businesses can easily adapt the platform to their own needs as they build their remote workforce. It provides organizations with a key foundation to a safe work-from-home environment that accounts for potential attacks and downtime.

Learn more about Proofpoint Enterprise Continuity

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Topics from this Article

Proofpoint, Email Security, Business Continuity

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