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Analytics-driven Security Intelligence

splunk siem logoSplunk is an analytics-driven SIEM tool that collects, analyzes, and correlates high volumes of network and other machine data in real-time. Managed via web-browser, Splunk provides security teams with the relevant and actionable intelligence they need to effectively respond to threats more efficiently and maintain an air-tight security posture at scale.

Faster Incident Response

Splunk allows security teams to analyze large data sets, detect malicious network activity, and respond to threats across environments quickly and more accurately than legacy SIEM systems.

Intelligent Insight

Splunk automatically collects, stores, and correlates network and user activity every second--providing security teams with a wealth of relevant, actionable security data they can use to enhance security operations significantly.

Deeper Visibility

Splunk provides security analysts and other key stakeholders granular insight into the performances and activity of the network across devices, applications, users, geolocations, and more.

Improved Security Operations

Advanced machine learning capabilities optimize security operations by automating tasks and workflows that would otherwise require hours of manual labor and/or human oversight.

Spunk Solution Overview

Security Monitoring

Splunk continuously monitors all network resources and activity 24/7 in order to detect anomalous behavior before it poses a serious threat to the organization. Using the information Splunk provides, security teams can get a detailed, data-driven view into the performance, health, and vulnerabilities of the network at any given time. Malicious or high-risk activity detected by Splunk automatically alerts the appropriate parties with complete contextual information detailing the threat.

  • Automated event alerts
  • Automated event log collection for all devices, applications, and user activity
  • Data-rich, graphical user dashboards
  • Pre-defined and customizable correlation parameters
  • Gather critical data to maintain audit preparedness

Advanced Threat Detection

Intelligent monitoring of infrastructure, applications, users, and other network resources across environments allows Splunk to catch and contextualize active threats or anomalous behavior as they occur in real-time. Splunk cross-correlates event logs to unearth indicators of compromise or malicious relationships so security teams can immediately engage with potential threats before any significant damage can be caused to the network.

  • End-to-end network visibility and analytics
  • Intelligent threat classification
  • Event log correlation across devices and environments
  • Kill chain methodology to identify advanced threats
  • User behavior analytics (UBA) to detect behavioral and/or statistical anomalies

User Behavior Analytics

Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Splunk proactively baselines network behavior as well as correlates user behavior across data sources and environments to catch difficult to detect security threats. Deviations from regular network activity automatically alerts the designated security teams so they can quickly mitigate the threats and/or conduct multi-step forensic investigations as necessary.

  • Automated early breach detection
  • Automated continuous threat monitoring
  • Detect compromised accounts, insider threats, lateral movement, etc.
  • Event log correlation across multiple data sources
  • User risk scoring

Incident Response

Once a threat is detected, security teams can quickly respond with a higher degree of confidence than with legacy SIEM technology. Splunk’s Adaptive Response Framework contextualizes event data across environments and automates response workflows so analysts can easily confirm, prioritize, and engage the threats with the relevant information they need.

  • Event alerts with threat prioritization
  • Automatically pull relevant threat information across devices and environments
  • Response workflow automation
  • Data-rich dashboards and graphical displays

Incident Forensics

Splunk monitors and logs vast data sets of security information gleaned from a variety of network sources each day. Security teams can use this well-spring of data to conduct thorough forensic investigations into the origins of a breach or validate emerging threats to gain deeper insight into the performance of their security efforts (and make improvements accordingly).

  • Alert triage to identify high-priority incidents automatically
  • Data searchable across devices, users, applications, time frames, etc.
  • Customizable visualizations and reports
  • Ability to map out event and activity sequences

Interested in Splunk?

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