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Formerly known as PhishMe

Email Threat Management and Defense Platform

cofense logo transparent pngCofense is an email security and phishing protection suite that combines security awareness training, employee-sourced threat data, advanced detection and response capabilities, and expert security intelligence into one platform.

Improved Threat Awareness

Cofense provides company users with the tools, knowledge, and first-hand experience they need to confidently and accurately identify threats as they occur.

One-Click Reporting

Cofense provides company end-users a threat reporting application that allows them to report suspicious emails to their security team for analysis in one simple click.

Total Visibility and Control

Cofense gives security analysts the ability to identify malicious emails across the entire network and instantly quarantine those threats from a single user dashboard.

Expert Support

Cofense can provide security teams with an additional layer of analysis and support to ensure email threats are quickly identified, verified, and mitigated before damage can be caused to the network.


Cofense Solution Overview

Cofense PhishMe

Cofense PhishMe is a threat education and conditioning SaaS platform that trains company employees to actively defend themselves against email threats. Because email is a highly targeted and vulnerable attack vector, Cofense PhishMe trains employees on how to successfully identify, report, and protect themselves against common-to-advanced email attacks using real-world training simulations.

  • Built-in phishing playbooks
  • One-click reporting for suspect emails
  • Customizable training scenarios
  • Enhanced analytics and performance tracking


Cofense Triage

Cofense Triage is a threat detection and response platform designed to protect organizations against email-based attacks. Deployed on-premise or in the cloud, Cofense Triage gives security teams the ability to automate response workflows, operationalize the collection, and prioritize reported threats.

  • Automated playbooks
  • Industry-leading spam engine
  • Smart clustering
  • Rule editor


Cofense Reporter

Cofense Reporter is an email add-on that allows employees to quickly report malicious content or suspicious emails to company security teams directly from their inbox. Reports automatically include detailed and relevant information on the source of the email to simplify the security teams’ analysis and defense efforts.

  • Immediate email header, attachment, and URL analysis
  • Info-rich reporter dashboard
  • Add-ons for both desktop and mobile email
  • Integration with Cofense PhishMe and Cofense Triage


Cofense Intelligence

‍Cofense Intelligence is a powerful security service designed to automatically detect email attacks and attack attempts on the company network. Leveraging user-based security intelligence, clustering algorithms, and updated threat repositories, Cofense Intelligence gives organizations the intelligence and context needed to identify and mitigate threats with precision quickly.

  • Integration with existing SIEMs and security services
  • Human-readable threat intelligence reports
  • Cofense threat repository updated daily
  • Automated threat alerts


Cofense Vision

Cofense Vision gives organizations complete visibility into the extent of any email-based attack on the organization. In tandem with Cofense Triage, Cofense Vision provides security teams detailed insight into which users in the organization were exposed to a phishing campaign. Cofense Vision also gives analysts the ability to automatically quarantine and remove legitimate threats from all employee inboxes with a single click.

  • Identify all recipients of the suspect message
  • One-click message isolation
  • Instant message search
  • Automatically audit and log all user actions


Cofense Phishing Defense Center

The Cofense Phishing Defense Center (PDC) is a managed security service organizations can leverage to detect, analyze, and mitigate email threats. Whether it’s to cover internal security gaps or bolster existing security efforts with an extra set of expert analysts, the Cofense PDC provides companies the deep threat intelligence they need to quickly and decisively respond to emerging phishing attacks, 24/7.

  • Cofense support from alert to resolution
  • Detect and verify threats in progress
  • Crowdsourced security intelligence
  • Intelligent response coordination

Interested in Cofense?

Simply fill out the form and we will have one of our experts reach out to answer any questions you may have.

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